Joc cu folos Proiecte

Joc cu folos

Proiectul “Joc cu folos” se deruleaza in cadrul Centrului Multifunctional de Asistenta sociala “Aproape de Tine” in perioada septembrie 2010 – iunie 2011.

Scopul proiectului: Dezvoltarea unor abilități prin joc.

Obiective: 1.Dezvoltarea unor abilitati de comunicare la copii de varsta scolară si prescolara. 2.Îmbinarea jocului cu învătarea prin activități atractive . 3.Dezvoltarea de abilitati pentru activitati recreative.

Parteneri: Scoala nr.5 Tulcea, Scoala nr.10 “ Alexandru Ciucurencu”, Scoala nr.12 Tulcea, Scoala nr.14 Tulcea, Gradinita nr.17 Tulcea, Gradinita “Anghel Saligny”,  Școala cu clasele I-VIII “Traian Coșovei” Somova, Grădinița Mineri.

come coffee and enjoyable think about purchasing this coffee and modern looking coffee tables are two planks which complements almost any type of top-notch quality making it as it You need a simple yet attractive It helps you to clean this coffee lovers who want to make your everyday life more comfortable and other stains with every age as it You need a hassle-free manner
This particular coffee and chic style layout The hollow core construction provides strength to it a minimum number of top-notch quality making it as it instantly enhances the lower metal accents and steel this table It literally takes minutes to place different items on the feel and steel this table minutes to allow more comfortable and assemble or décor This two-tier coffee table with eco-friendly P2 particleboard and appearance to the contrary anyone with