Two times Us

Puppets that can open doors

A new trip that puppets took, open new opportunities and new doors of communication on the path for socializing and reintegration.

At Iasi, Two times us with the team work as an initiative in the Region in September, writes a new file towards reducing the social inequalities and promote the social inclusion.

People and puppets, ideas and areas of activity, souls and beneficiaries, innovation and benefits, have been set face to face in order to find new customized and viable solutions in a professional atmosphere flavored with bits of life stories. The training activities have combined the presentation of theoretical aspects and the practical ones in a context of sharing experiences between specialists from the  Iasi County General Headquarters of Social Protection and Assistance, the Penitentiary of Iasi and the Helping Hands Association from Tulcea

The puppet, main element of the non formal method on the spot, has displayed character traits of the participants, surfacing experiences, imaginary paintings, possibilities of co-ordination, all coming from the specialists from the Iasi County General Headquarters of Social Protection and Assistance and the Penitentiary of Iasi.

They have allowed the Two times us  team of specialists to guide them in the magical like haven, always different, that the puppet can lead ones towards.

The participants have appreciated the non-formal activities, as they were involved with enthusiasm. The relaxing atmosphere has facilitated the transfer of information.

The specialists beneficiaries of the training course, have been equipped with a new method of socializing and with the motivation to utilize it in their own specific areas of social intervention. Two puppets skits, as a demonstration, have brought made the entire material to life. The sound tracks have been provided to the participants so that they could go home with a demonstration complete instrument of exercise and work.

The 25 participants have elaborated, in small groups, materials that have illustrated the areas of their own work where they can intervene with the non formal method of puppets theatre discussing and insisting on the important role of  the non formal methods in working with beneficiaries of social services. The trainees have been interested in the provided themes, have actively been discussed over, actively participated both in group and individual activities.

Each workshop file included:

  • A presentation of the workshop
  • Practical activities focused on the participants

In order to verify the degree of acquisition of both theoretical and practical notions, a workshop of puppets creation was completed; towards the end, divided up in small groups the trainees have created their own puppets theatre skit and presented, using their own script, their own puppets show.

The cheering from their own colleagues, has crowned their efforts and lowered their emotions, as they handled for the first time, in front of an audience, a puppet in a real life situation.

The specialist participants from the Iasi Penitentiary have requested a future organizing of another training course and signing up a local partnership with the Iasi Penitentiary in order to create an inside team of puppeteers from the Iasi Penitentiary.

The training course has reached its goal: the knowledge of the participants involved in the social inclusion have been updated and completed. The evaluation questionnaires filled in by the participants indicate a high level of satisfaction towards the way the training course has been produced and about accomplishing the mentioned objectives.